WTF Palgwe

Oh Jang - Concept of wind (Seon)
Wind is an element of nature which can be gentle or destructive. This form teaches the student to combine and alternate gentleness with strength and speed.

Starting in the ready position...

Move the left foot back into a right forward stance while executing a low block with the right arm and a middle section block with the left arm (scissor block).

With the right foot fixed, move the left foot to the left (90º) into a right back stance while executing a left low section double knife-hand block.

Pivoting on the ball of the left foot, move the right foot forward into a left back stance while executing a right middle-section double knife-hand block.

With the left foot fixed, move the right foot backward into a right back stance while executing a middle section palm block with the left hand.

With the left foot fixed, move the right foot into a right forward stance while executing a middle section straight punch with the right fist.

Pivoting on the ball of the left foot, turn to the right (180º) by moving the right foot into a left back stance while executing a right low-section double knife-hand block.

Pivoting on the ball of the right foot, move the left foot forward into a right back stance while executing a left middle-section double knife-hand block.

Pivoting on the ball of the right foot, move the left foot one step back into a left back stance while executing a middle-section palm block with the right hand.

With the right foot fixed, move the left foot into a left forward stance while executing a middle-section punch with the left fist.

Pivoting on the ball of the right foot, turn to the left (90º) by moving the left foot into a left forward stance while executing a low-section block with the left arm and a middle-section outer block with the right arm (Scissor Block).

With the left foot fixed, move the right foot into a right forward stance while executing an outward middle-section double fist block with the right fist supported by the left fist at the elbow.

With the right foot fixed, move the left foot into a left forward stance while executing an outward middle-section double fist block with the left fist supported by the right fist at the elbow.

With the left foot fixed, move the right foot into a right forward stance while executing a middle-section palm block with the left hand and a fingertip strike with the right hand.

Pivoting on the ball of the right foot, turn the body to the left (270º) by moving the left foot into a left forward stance while executing an outward middle block with the left hand.

Keeping both feet fixed, execute a middle-section straight double punch starting with the right fist.

Then punch with your left fist.

Keeping the right foot fixed, lift up the left foot to knee level and assume a right crane stance. Move the left fist to the right side of the body with the palm toward the body over the right fist.

With the right foot fixed, execute a side kick with the left foot and a simultaneous punch with the left hand.

Land in a left forward stance while executing a right elbow strike.

Pivoting on the ball of the left foot, move the right foot forward into a left back stance while executing a right middle-section double knife-hand block.

Pivoting on the ball of the left foot, turn to the right (180º) by moving the right foot into a right forward stance while executing an outward middle block with the right arm.

Keeping the same stance, execute a middle-section straight double-punch starting with the left fist.

Then punch with the right fist.

Keeping the left foot fixed, lift up the right foot to knee level and assume a left crane stance. Move the right fist to the left side of the body with the palm toward the body over the left fist.

With the left foot fixed, execute a right side kick with a simultaneous punch with the right hand.

Land into a right forward stance while executing a left elbow strike.

Pivoting on the ball of the right foot, move the left foot forward into a right back stance while executing a left middle-section double knife-hand block.

Pivoting on the ball of the right foot, turn to the left (90º) by moving the left foot into a left forward stance while executing a low block with the left arm and a middle-section block with the right arm (Scissor Block).

Pivoting on the ball of the left foot, move the right foot forward into a left back stance while executing a double low block with the right arm.

Pivoting on the ball of the right foot, move the left foot forward into a right back stance while executing a double low block with the left arm.

Pivoting on the ball of the left foot, move the right foot into a right forward stance while executing a middle-section straight punch with the right fist. Kihap!

Pivoting on the ball of the right foot, turn to the left (270º) by moving the left foot into a right back stance while executing a left low-section knife-hand block.

Pivoting on the ball of the left foot, move the right foot into a left back stance while executing a right middle-section double knife-hand block.

With the left foot fixed, move the right foot back into a right back stance while executing a middle-section palm block with the left hand.

Pivoting on the ball of the left foot, move the right foot into a right forward stance while executing a middle-section straight punch with the right fist.

Pivoting on the ball of the left foot, turn to the right (180º) by moving the right foot into a left back stance while executing a right low-section knife-hand block.

Pivoting on the ball of the right foot, move the left foot into a right back stance while executing a left middle-section knife-hand block.

Pivoting on the ball of the right foot, move the left foot back into a right back stance while executing a middle-section palm block with the right hand.

With the right foot fixed, move the left foot into a left forward stance while executing a middle-section straight punch with the left fist.

Turn left (90º) and assume a ready position.
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