WTF Palgwe

Sa jang - Concept of thunder (Jin)
Thunder evokes fear in many people, and this hyung uses this principal to teach the practitioner to be calm, even in the face of impending danger, this form also combines strikes and blocks in such a manner that they instantly follow each other, similar to the relationship of thunder and lightning.

Starting in the ready position...

Turn left (90º) by moving the left foot into a right back stance while simultaneously executing an outward middle section block with the left arm and a high block with the right arm.

Sliding the left foot back into a tiger stance, execute a pull move (of the head) with the left hand and an upper punch with the right fist.

Pivot the feet back into a ready stance while executing an outer knife-hand strike with the left arm, keeping the head turned to the left.

Bring both feet together and turn toward the front.

Turn the body to the right (90º) by moving the right foot into a left back stance while simultaneously executing an outward middle section block with the right arm and a high block with the left arm.

Sliding the right foot back into a tiger stance, execute a pull move (of the head) with the right hand and an upper punch with the left fist.

Pivot the feet back into a ready stance while executing an outward knife-hand strike with the right arm. Be sure to keep the head turned to the right.

Bring both feet together, then move the left foot forward into a right back stance while executing a double knife-hand.

With the left foot fixed, execute a high-section front snap kick with the right foot.

Step down into a right forward stance while executing a palm block with the left hand and a fingertip strike with the right hand.

Leaving your feet in the same spot, twist your upper body back while pulling your right hand back to the right side of your body.

Immediately bring your left foot into a left forward stance (180º) while executing and outer hammer fist with the left arm.

With the left foot fixed, move the right foot forward into a right forward stance while executing a middle section punch with the right fist.

Pivoting on the ball of the right foot, turn the body to the left (270º) by moving the left foot into a right back stance while executing an outward middle block with the left hand and a high block with the right arm.

Sliding the right foot back into a tiger stance, execute a pull move (of the head) with the right hand and an upper punch with the left fist.

Pivot the feet back into a ready stance while executing an outer knife-hand strike with the left arm, keeping the head turned to the left.

Turn the body to the right (90º) by moving the right foot into a left back stance while simultaneously executing an outward middle section block with the right arm and a high block with the left arm.

Sliding the right foot back into a tiger stance, execute a pull move (of the head) with the right hand and an upper punch with the left fist.

Pivot the feet back into a ready stance while executing an outward knife-hand strike with the right arm. Be sure to keep the head turned to the right.

Move the left foot one step forward into a right back stance while executing a double knife-hand.

Execute a high section front snap kick with the right foot.

Step down into a right forward stance while executing a palm block with the left hand and a fingertip strike with the right hand.

Keeping your left foot fixed, turn 180º to the right into a right forward stance while pulling your right hand to the right side of the head.

Immediately bring your left foot into a left forward stance (180º) while executing an outer hammer fist with the left arm.

With the left foot fixed, move the right foot into a right forward stance while executing a middle section straight punch with the right fist.

Pivoting on the ball of the right foot, turn the body to the left (180º) by moving the left foot into a horse stance while executing a low block with the left arm.

Turn 90º to the left, stepping into a left forward stance while executing a middle section straight punch with the right fist.

Turn back 90º to the right, keeping the right foot in place, pull the left foot into a horse stance while executing a low block with the right hand.

Turn 90º to the right, stepping into a right forward stance while executing a middle section straight punch with the left arm.

Return to the ready position.
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